2 WEEK Gym Pass


Welcome! You have arrived in the right place.

You’re looking for somewhere to train that has extensive knowledge to maximise your results and stop you getting injured so you can keep doing all the events, activities, adventures and life stuff you love!

You’ve also found a great community and people who actually care.

To make sure we are the right fit for you, you can try us out for just $27

  • You will get functionally stronger making the things you love doing easier
  • You will attack events and adventures with confidence and ease
  • Even if you are NOT a “gym person” you’ll meet a bunch of like-minded people, and you’ll feel like you’ve come home
  • You’ll feel confident and supported in everything you want to achieve

91% of people who have trained with Joe’s Basecamp have seen marked improvements in their performance

… and in an industry where the average gym membership is 18 months, some of Joe’s clients have been with him since 2003.

“Training at Joe’s Basecamp is a completely different experience to any other Gym. You actually want to go to the gym! Joe’s team changes your perspective and educates you on training, diet and what you can achieve. My strength and fitness levels have greatly improved. I also love the fact there is so much inspiration and support to achieve your goals. “ Deb Fraser – Business woman
